The proverbial “they” say that releasing anger cures depression. I don’t know if it cures depression. However, I do know that keeping anger bottled up inside you is unhealthy. By festering on your anger you are not being positive or prosperous. While we find it hard sometime to release anger it’s in our best interest to do so. We will find we will be happier and back on our true path once we are passed the minor set back caused by anger.
Try the following forgiveness release to help let the anger go:
“I forgive everything and everyone who could possibly need forgiveness in my past and present. I forgive positively everyone. I am free and they are free too. All things are cleared up between us now and forever.” Catherine Ponder
No you will not magically feel the anger released when you say the affirmation once. You need to repeat the affirmation daily until you actually believe it and well it works.
Another method to use in conjunction with the affirmation is making a list of all people who have, well, pissed you off. If it’s the first time you are writing this list name everyone all the way back to grade school making sure you include the little boy or girl that hit you or threw something at you, the teacher that embarrassed you, all of your ex relationships, friends that weren’t really friends after all, and so on. If you are not writing this list for the first time, yet still remember those people with a cringe, make sure to include them on your list.
These methods used together do work. While I have not forgotten people from my past that have wronged me, I don’t hold anger or resentment toward them anymore. For those I do, I include them on my new lists!
Release your anger and continue to be positive and prosperous.
"These methods used together do work. While I have not forgotten people from my past that have wronged me, I don’t hold anger or resentment toward them anymore. For those I do, I include them on my new lists!
Release your anger and continue to be positive and prosperous."
Hey RJ baby! So good to hear from you.
I wanted to comment on that part. It is so hard a lot of times to let stuff go like that. I'll be honest 2009 was a horrible year for me especially with so called friends n all. I mean I met so many people online whom wanted to become real life friends and Im the kind of person that realizes..behind a computer there is a real person despite distance. Im always willing to be a good friend but to be honest, I have some of the suckiest of them all.
I mean Im not naive cause I dont put up with it once I figure it out, but I was just upset because I was like why bother even saying you want to be a friend and reaching out if you are not going to be a friend? YOU HAVE TO BE A FRIEND TO HAVE A FRIEND! I strongly believe that and a lot of them I do not want to reach out to because I can not stand them now. There was no open confrontation with any of them, but they know what they have done!
So my resolution this year is to be a lot more cautious and selective and definitely not take words too seriously when folks speak about what they will and will not do. I'll wait until time has passed and their words have held some weight.
Thank You,
Your Friend,
DovieLee Lineau or as you used to know me as DELLA REESE.
Hi Della,
Happy 2010! It's good to hear from you. Sorry about the friend situation in 2009. Try not to focus on others. Try to put all emphasis on you! Let the rest of it fall into or out of place on its' own. Just be yourself. Be true to yourself. Love and feel good about yourself. Eventually the rest of it will seem trivial.
Here’s to having good relationships in 2010!!!
God Speed My Friend,
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