Sunday, January 10, 2010

It's 2010 - Now What?

Each year in life we are faced with new challenges, we are provided new inspirations and we have been afforded the opportunity to use our new found talents. Unfortunately, we find ourselves fearing the new year, the new decade instead of praising the new opportunity to flourish. We see lack, debt, job loss, war, disease, abandonment, loss of love, self doubt, and most of all, fear. We see fear all around us and we let it consume us.

Shake away the fear. Even if the your neighbor, your friend, or your country is having financial difficulties, struggling with anger and war, feeling a sense of insecurity for their well being - SHAKE IT OFF. Don't let their problems be yours. What someone else is experiencing or has experienced does not need to be your experience. Set your own path. Set your own goals. Be true to yourself. You have unlimited potential and no one but you can take that away. Use your potential. Set yourself free from all fear.

As with all change comes the HOW TO, how to go about that, a new fear that you can't do or accomplish that, and the mindset that you don't have tools you need, and so on and so forth. HOG WASH! You can accomplish anything you set your mind to. I promise you. If you believe in yourself and see yourself accomplishing your goals, you will be and have everything you desire.

Try these affirmations to help on your journey to everything you desire in 2010:

"Divine intelligence let the master plan of my life now reveal itself to me. Let the master plan of my life now begin working for me. I give thanks for my master plan of success. I give thanks for the perfect results of that master plan. With God's help I now plan my way to success; with God's help I now begin to experience the results of my master plan."

"My success is big, powerful, and irresistible. Nothing succeeds like success. I now go from success to greater success in the name of Jesus Christ."

*Both affirmations are from Catherine Ponder's "Dare to Prosper"
*Remember God and Jesus are my words, you can supplement them with your words


Karen said...

FEAR - the single, biggest barrier we allow to hold us back in life, I think. Awesome post, we really need to realize this.

I became familiar with Catherine Ponder via one of my clients, a Unity church leader. She actually sent me the book you reference here as a gift. I have a feeling you'd love her "Weekly Inspirations" emails. You can sign up to get them on the church's site if you'd like. You can find past ones she's done on the "Spiritual Toolkit" page on there if you're interested. It's a great resource:

RJ said...

Thank You