Saturday, August 04, 2007

A Simple Thank You!

Today, I'm doing research for a new book. I find myself going through reference materials and I come across something similar to what I'm working on, but not as extensive and not with the information I plan on providing - but AH they had my title. I knew my book would still be great and useful, but I was bummed they snagged my title!

So what do I do. I immediately get side tracked and start thinking why am I doing this! This information is already out there. Why should I present it again. Sure, my ideas are brighter, different, up beat, (in my opinion) wiser, alternative perspective then the norm, and I have a knack for doing this. But none of that is what I was thinking. Instead, I'm all bah hum bug because of one minor set back.

God knew exactly the boost I needed to set me back on the track. To say way to go kiddo. To pick me up and get me going again. To wash away the temporary blues and fill my heart with appreciation. I received a very simple yet needed THANK YOU.

I went to my email box. In my email was a very simple THANK YOU note from someone who read a post I made 11 months ago on Yahoo Answers. A complete stranger, half way across the country wanted to let me know they read my post and really needed to hear what I had said. So they returned their appreciation by providing me with a very simple THANK YOU NOTE.

Thank GOD for being with all of us when we need that little pick me up. I'm thankful.


Bottom note: For me I believe in GOD. God is my higher power. Having said that, let me clarify that is my belief and I'm solid enough with who I am to also allow for and accept you may have another name or definition for GOD, (eg HIGHER POWER, ALLAH, so forth). I believe it's the intent of the highest good that will shine over all else.


Karen said...

I LOVE IT when that happens! And that's how it works, God sends someone along to remind us. someone who's started, but never completed, many, many manuscripts (strange how much alike we are!), and just in case that book never got finished, wanted to boot this post back to your memory.

If you didn't finish, you should. If you did, let me know where I can buy it. You're a gifted writer!

RJ said...

You are funny. You did a good job. WOW two and half years ago. I have to try and remember which book I was even talking about! Off to rack my brain. LOL

Thank you for all your kind words.
