Monday, January 05, 2009

QUOTE ON: Power & Conscience

"To resort to power one need not be violent, and to speak to conscience one need not be meek. The most effective action both resorts to power and engages conscience." ~~ Barbara Deming


Daddy Squeeze Me! said...

I love this! Definitely have some folks that need to read this over and over again!

There was a time when I felt as if my meekness was being taken for weakness and I began to cut so many people from my life because there was no need for them. I want to have as much space for the things I NEED and the people that are helping me reach those and achieve my goals. I dont need to have so much space being used up by a lot of dead weight. Ive got to move forward and be as strong as I can. I can not do that if Ive got too much baggage. So Ive had to say what I mean and mean what I violence....just truth.

RJ said...

Decluttering our lives from things as well as people does free us up!

Thanks for sharing your thoughts and personal story.